IT-forum as a means of implementing the Knowledge Triangle “Science-Education-Enterprise” in the training of young IT Professionals

The participation of more than 100 students and young teachers of Zaporizhzhya National Technical University (ZNTU) in the IT-forum, held 16 September 2016 in the Kozak palace (Zaporizhzhya) was organized with the assistance of Zaporizhia City Council and organizational support of ZNTU Student trade union, Council of young scientists and specialists of ZNTU, and the project “Centers of excellence for young researchers» (CERES, Ref. Number 544137-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-SK-TEMPUS-JPHE) co-funded by the Tempus programme of the European Union, carried out at the department of software tools of ZNTU.

T-forum is an annual conference that gathers experts in the field of information technology who are interested in experience sharing. An important result of the forum was to create a single platform for students and professors of Zaporizhzhzya universities, practitioners and managers of IT companies of Zaporizhzhya region. This allows to consider IT-forum as a means of implementing the Knowledge Triangle ‘education-science-production’ in the training of young IT Professionals.

Forum held in one day in BarCamp-format as four streams of reports. It was attended by the most famous representatives of the local IT sector. Forum also included an exhibition of robots, developments in three-dimensional printing, regional firm presentations.

Participation in the forum allow the teachers of ZNTU to expand contacts with enterprises of the region, and students to find potential employers. This significantly strengthens relations of the university and industry and opens new horizons for cooperation.

More details on the Project by the link:

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