


Jean Monnet

Role of Financial Consumer Protection in the Financial Stability in Digital Era: European Approaches

Project type:MODULE
HEI/Other type:HEI
Project period:2020-2023
Region:Kyiv Region
Short description:

The project’s goals are: to europeanize role, institutional, organizational and procedural architecture of financial consumer protection under digital transformation by means of introducing European standards of bachelor’s programs in Economics in Ukraine and to advance financial inclusion and financial stability. The project’s objectives are: introducing of European studies component for bachelor students studying on Economics and Finance and for delivering workshops relevant for personal finance; promoting European values such as best practice in financial services marketing, offering and providing, a good rapport between offers and consumers of financial services, zero tolerance to unfair and dishonesty of financial intermediation, reliable usage of FinTech, transparency, efficiency, and stability of the financial services industry; fostering the publication and dissemination of the results of academic research devoted to European studies of financial consumer protection policy, financial stability, and digital transformation in the financial services industry.