


Jean Monnet

Towards a More Secure Digital Europe: Multilevel Governance for Countering Online Disinformation and Hybrid Threats

Project type:PROJECT
HEI/Other type:NGO
Project period:2020-2023
Region:Kyiv Region
City:Kyiv/ Mariupol
Short description:

The project ‘Towards a More Secure Digital Europe: Multilevel Governance for Countering Online Disinformation and Hybrid Threats’ (as a synthesis of cross-fertilization and spread content types of Jean Monnet projects) is expected to generate, accumulate, synthesize and disseminate knowledge about a long-term European approach to tackling online disinformation, fake news and hybrid threats. The project will promote discussion on a multilevel governance and multi-stakeholder cooperation that EU employs to counter the spread and impact of online disinformation in order to ensure the protection of European values and democratic systems. SecDigEU will also stimulate excellence in teaching and research in European Security Studies with particular focus on improving EU’s capabilities and strengthening responses to hybrid threats, online disinformation, destabilisation of states and societies through dissemination of fake news, audio- and video fakery. With this project, we will consolidate networks and cooperation among scholars and decision-makers, dealing with European Security Policy and EU’s digital security and facilitate knowledge transfer from academia to policy community, civil society, media and broader public. The project’s aim and approach is to move beyond reactive measures only, to include a proactive approach in order to establish a more resilient and sustainable society in the Information Age.