


Erasmus+ КА2

Advocacy Establishment for Students through Ombudsman Position

Період проекту:2015-2018
Action Code:CBHE-JP
Specific activity:Modernisation of policies, governance and management of higher education systems
Короткий опис:

Reason for project: 1. Since implementation of Bologna system, students have responsibility to take initiative in managing their academic careers, but they lack the resources to deal with problems arising along the way2. Universities in Azerbaijan, Georgia and Ukraine struggle to provide democratic systems for dealing with conflict and student appeals3. Many student conflicts remain unresolved due to unclear or ambiguous administrative proceduresExpected outputs: 1. Written materials (training guides in each regional language) on best practices in student advocacy systems are created in collaboration with EU partners; 2. New student advocacy procedures and guidelines are produced and accepted by non-EU partner universities; 3. Ombuds Office established in each non-EU partner university; 4. Ombudsperson from each university trained; 5. Students, staff and faculty from each university trained on procedures and ombuds office functionsImpact: 1. Students and instructors have full access to the democratic spirit of the Bologna Process for resolution of their academic and administrative issues; 2. Students and faculty/staff become aware of their rights and responsibilities; 3. University administrations become more efficient and effective as conflicts lessen and resolution processes are streamlined.