


Erasmus+ КА2

Boosting the role of HEIs in the industrial transformation towards the Industry 4.0 paradigm in Georgia and Ukraine

Project period:2020-2023
Action Code:CBHE-JP
Specific activity:Strengthening of relations between higher education systems and the wider economic and social environment
Short description:

Project goals and objectives: Wider objective is to reinforce the role of HEIs in assisting industrial trans-formation in Georgia and Ukraine under Industry 4.0 paradigm. Specific project objectives are: To reinforce capacities in HEIs (human resource, material base, institutional units) in response to emerging Industry 4.0 paradigm. To reinforce collaboration of HEIs with industry by delivery tailored courses and consultancy services for companies (large and SME) towards exploring the opportunities of new Industrial Revolution through reconfiguration of business models. To set new taught module “”Industry 4.0 Business Management”” for the MSc students for enhancing graduates’ employability under emerging market conditions. To develop recommendations for updating the Engineering curriculum towards competencies required for operating the factories of the future.