


Jean Monnet

EU i/c AI policy: European approach in charge of ethical, legal and socio-economic artificial intelligence policy

Акронім:EU ic AI policy
Тип проекту:Module
Тип HEI/Other:HEI
Період проекту:2022-2025
Короткий опис:

The general objective of the project is to research and disseminate a European approach to excellence in AI: sharing an appropriate ethical and legal framework of studying for fuher developers and users, encouraging experience of technological developments implementation in the public and private sectors and preparing for socio-economic changes caused by artificial intelligence. Specific project objectives: 1. Delivers multidisciplinary courses on specific EU issues in the AI area. 2. Realise and promote research of European practice and regulation related to AI development and use. 3. Fosters dissemination of the EU research results and recommendations for harmonisation of AI legislation in Partner Countries. Target groups: – students; – business representatives and professionals in AI; – authority (policy makers); – academic and teaching staff. Project activities consists of three main pillars: 1. Teaching – the Module consists of three multidisciplinary courses during 4 semesters: “Human-centric AI in EU: legal, cyberpsychology and ethics framework”; “AI made in Europe: regulatory policy and economy for people”; “Europe’s digital future: robotics and artificial intelligence”. 2. Researching: – Survey developing; – Local conference hosting; – 2 peer review papers uploading; 3. Dissemination and implementation – Round table for policy makers organizing; – 3 webinars; – Presentation on 3 outreach conferences. The main Module results: – conducting and implementation into the university curricula the multidisciplinary Module courses with teaching materials which will be freely available for the target groups and general public; – expanding participation in the European research space and presentation of conducting scientific research in the field of Human-centered AI and Trustworthy AI; – transferring, disseminating and implementing the knowledge about the EU AI policy and regulation in the process of Ukraine integration into the EU space.