EU Constitutional Law
Short description:
The “EU Constitutional Law” (“EU-Const”) is the introduction to the EU constitutional law, its crucial outlines, principles and basic concepts; the course inspires an interest to the EU and internal reforms. “EU-Const” is aimed to promoting European constitutional values and expanding knowledge on the EU constitutional law. “EU-Const” is based on the idea of the Ukraine’s strategic goal of gaining EU membership which cannot be achieved without implementing the European constitutional and legal standards and values, without harmonizing of the Ukraine’s constitutional order with the EU’s constitutional order. “EU-Const” highlights the history of the EU’s constitutional way, underlining that “The EU Constitution”, consisting of many legal texts and judicial practice, is mobile enough, and has only been increasing in recent decades. “EU-Const” allows students to comprehend the complicated constitutional order of the EU, focusing on its main features. The course is directed to clarify the main institutional elements of the EU legal order. It analyses: the origin and evolution of the European integration process; the division of competences between the EU and the Member States; Union institutions and their acts; EU judicial system, etc. “EU-Const” will be taught to students majoring in “Law” and “International Law” at the 3rd year of the Law Faculty. The course consists of 56 classroom hours: 32 hours of lectures and 24 seminars. It is planned to cover the audience of more than 320 students during 3 years of the implementation of the Module. At the end of the course, students should know the main provisions of the “EU Constitution” and the problems associated with their implementation in Ukraine; the basic constitutional and legal theories and models of EU institutional construction; and understand the evolution, current state and prospects of development of EU constitutional law and current problems, and challenges facing the EU in the constitutional and legal sphere.