Beyond Europe with micro-credentials
Short description:
Project goals: to develop micro-credentials (MC) that address the needs of selected sectors in the countries or target groups that are only marginally covered by the education system.
1. To deliver the overall project management of the BEM project, guiding the implementation,
alignment and concentration of the work package;
2. To define the sectors in which the micro-credentials are located;
3. To gather information on the current state of implementation of VET learning outcomes and
conduct a SWOT analysis to identify risks and options;
4. To lay the foundation for the development of the MC by introducing a methodology applicable to
all participating countries;
5. To design up to 10 MC targeting one or more specific sectors or target groups in the partner
6. To digitise the MCs and make them available in the Skillsbank repository with links to the Europass course directory as digital training resources;
7. To develop valorization strategies (regional, national, European, sectoral, target group), develop
appropriate policy recommendations, establish regional or thematic clusters on MC and develop
networking through Skillsbank;
8. To widely disseminate the project’s developed products, the applied methods, the gained
experiences and lessons drawn, providing useful information and raising awareness to all target groups, potential end users both in EU and non-EU countries.
− Intensive kick-off and stock taking phase;
− The definition of the common methodology;
− The development of the MC;
− The relevance of the MC in the labour market, extensive valorisation activities are carried out;
− Documentation of the micro-credentials, up to its accreditation or recognition processes;
− The assignment of the MC to the Skillsbank and the transformation into digital credentials.
Expected results:
6. Mapping of state of the art of European VET policy and SWOT analysis were done;
7. Methodological framework for the microcredentials was developed;
8. Portfolio of micro-credentials;
9. BEM micro-credential repository in Skillsbank and BEM certificates as digital credentials;
10. Dissemination Strategy and Plan;
11. Documentation of articles.