


Erasmus+ КА2

Distance education for future: best EU practices in response to the requests of modern higher education seekers and labor market

Short description:

Project goals and objectives:
Goal: implementation of a sustainable, efficient and effective system of distance education in the
institutions of higher education of the Eastern Partnership countries as a separate and independent form of learning based on the principles and methods of didactics, most suitable for the formation of promising competencies of applicants, according to cognitive, behavioral and technological transformations of individual, society and the labor market.

− To substantiate approaches to the implementation of the distance education as a separate
independent form of learning for young people and adults to form in-demand prospective
competencies, considering cognitive, behavioural and technological transformations of the individual, society and labor market.
− To comprehensively improve the system of distance education in HEI as a separate independent form of education and adults and strengthen its institutional, organizational, methodological, personnel, logistical and technical support.
− To improve the professional and general competencies of scientific-pedagogical and administrative
staff of HEI to develop specific skills required for the transition to the distance education form.
− To provide testing of the distance education as a separate independent form of learning in HEI in
individual (experimental) specialties using an appropriate electronic platform and methodological and didactic support for the formation of prospective competencies.
− To strengthen cooperation between the HEI of the EU and the Eastern Partnership countries that are part of the consortium and to contribute to the development of their socio-economic potential by
implementing a sustainable system of the distance education to form prospective competencies
considering cognitive, behavioural and technological transformations of the individual, society and
the labor market.

− Research of prerequisites for the distance learning system development.
− Development of a methodology for the implementation of distance education.
− Development of institutional and organizational support for the distance education system.
− Improvement of methodological, staffing and logistical support of the distance education system.
− Testing of the distance education system.
− Monitoring and quality assurance of distance education.
− Sustainability and scaling of the project in Ukraine and Moldova.

Expected results:
1. Updating trends in the reform of distance education.
2. Improving the methodology of distance education.
3. Development of regulation package and methodological support for the implementation of distance education in higher education institutions, strengthening of staffing.
4. Establishment of experimental training laboratories and special structural departments of distance education in HEIs.
5. Preparation and piloting of distance education programs of the master’s level of HEI.