EU–EaP future avenues: boosting joint initiatives of academia and civil society in Ukraine
Short description:
The project’s goals are:
to highlight the value-oriented vision of EU cooperation with its Eastern European neighbours in the field to academia, civil society, youth and general people-to-people contacts
The project’s objectives are:
To enhance partnership of the academic community with civil society sector for progressing EU-Ukraine cooperation within EaP New Strategic Agenda
to perform a wide range of initiatives for enriching knowledge, promoting awareness and, consequently, fully benefiting from opportunities offered by the EaP
to disseminate and share the best EU and EaP countries’ practices on academia-civil society partnership
to impulse the contribution of academia to implementing the future EU-EaP new strategy and discuss concrete options for cooperation with civil society for multiplying civil society’s voice
to devote a set of activities to junior scholars and civil society sector young activists by providing them a platform for contacting and collaborating
to conduct a research on “European values and active citizenship of youth in Ukraine” to show challenges and perspectives of European Values promotion among Ukrainian youth
to compliment the European Studies’ academic aspect with a strong civil dimension by carrying out training/research actions together with or at the request of civil society sector