


Erasmus+ КА2

European Human Rights Law for Universities of Ukraine and Moldova

Project period:2016-2019
Action Code:CBHE-JP
Specific activity:Curriculum development
Short description:

Wider objective is to enable Ukraine and Moldova to face the challenges of dealing with Human Rights policies in accordance with EU and international standards through capacity and institutional building measures. By developing and introducing new Bologna-compliant case-oriented master and doctoral curricula, intensive capacity building mechanism and establishing Offices of Student Ombudsman supported by Code of Academic Integrity the project will bring the following positive challenges in a short term:1. Improving of academic quality of Human Rights studies in Ukraine and Moldova; 2. Society demand on promoting, facilitating and assurance of human rights concept and practices will be satisfied by comprehensive training services; 3. Urgent necessity on qualitative legal support of internally displaced persons and refugees from zones of military conflict and occupied territories of Donbass and Crimea (Ukraine) and unrecognized territories of Transnistria (Moldova); 4. Professional, language and personal skills of programme graduates allow them successfully extend their career on the preferred public or private law sector.Innovative character of the project: 1. The project breaks the current stereotypes in the content of available academic HR curriculum in UA and MD and contributes to the fight against xenophobia and homophobia in society.2. Students will be directly engaged in monitoring of human rights in their universities (identifying cases of discrimination, corruption, breach of privacy, etc.). 3.) Some of human rights competences (rights of refugees, migrants) were not required by the market of legal services – now the situation has changed dramatically. The aggression of Russia led to the fact that 1.5m people have fled their homes and they have long would need support at different levels. The project provide the direct output for targeted Group – Internally displaced persons and refugees from occupied territories of Donbass and Crimea (Ukraine).