


Erasmus+ КА2

Master programme in eco-mining and innovative natural resources manegement

Номер:101082621 — EMINReM — ERASMUS-EDU-2022- CBHE
Акронім: EMINReM
Період проекту:01.12.2022 – 30.11.2025
Короткий опис:

Project goals and objectives:
Goal (general Objective): To raise efficiency and ecological sustainability of mining-extraction works, carrying out through EU Member States (EUMS), third countries associated to the Programme (APC), and third countries not associated to the Programme (NAPC) universities collaboration, for training of new generation of experts educated as in mining engineering, so in ecological and management areas within natural resources extraction and processing towards decreasing negative influence to Environment.

Purpose (specific Objectives):
1. To establish an Innovative Master Program in Eco-mining & Innovative Natural Resources Management (EMINReM) by involving new teaching approaches into the regular education process, and introduce the Program at UA, KZ and UZ Universities-participants of the Project (the NAPC HEIs) by September 2024.
2. To improve educational environment of the NAPC HEIs through:
– retraining of the NAPC HEIs’ teaching staff;
– adaptation and integration of the EU teaching methodologies and technologies;
– equipping specialized EMINReM Laboratories;

– elaboration and publishing of necessary teaching materials, including laboratory practicums and Case Studies;
– introduction of EMINReM Virtual e-Learning Platform (VeLP);
– elaboration and dissemination of the Practical Project Management Guide (PPMG) aimed at improvement of NAPC HEIs` potential to prepare high-quality CBHE project proposals and the quality of such project management.
3. To develop short-term continuing educational program – EMINReM Expert’s Advanced Training (EAT) Program (EMINReM EAT Program) for training and skills’ upgrading of industry, governing authority and NGO representatives, external teachers, alumni and introduce them during the 2nd half of the Project life-cycle to foster active Mining HE engagement with the business and policymaking world

1.1 – Initial Workshops at the Partner Countries
1.2 – Setting up of Agreement with Participants
1.3 – Initial Conference of Project Participants (Kick-off meeting)
2.1 – Desk & field study of the EU experience by WG1
2.2 – Draft of the EMINReM Master Program’s curricula
2.3 – Draft of the EMINReM Master Program’s syllabi
2.4 – Joint Progress Seminar of WG1
2.5 – EMINReM MSc Program discussion, finalizing and approval
2.6 – MSc Program publication and presentation
3.1 – NAPC teachers’ selection & English skills upgrading
3.2 – Training Session of NAPC teachers
3.3 – Web-based Seminars
3.4 -Teaching Materials for the MSc Programs
3.5 – Establishing EMINReM LABs and Resources Centres for students
4.1 – Desk and field study by WG2 and WG3
4.2 – Developing and approval the Concept of the VeLP
4.3 – Joint Progress Seminar of WG 2,3
4.4 – Developing and content filling of VeLP
4.5 – VeLP introduction in operation and presentation
4.6 – Students’ joint work within VeLP
4.7 – EMINReM EAT Course Guidelines and training materials development
4.8 – EMINReM EAT and joint work within VeLP
5.1 – Advertising and admission campaign
5.2 – MSc students’ training at NAPC Universities
5.3 – One-week Lecturing by EUMS and APC Universities experts
5.4 – MSc students’ training in EUMS and APC Universities
5.5 – Master Theses preparation
5.6 – EMINReM EAT course advertising campaign, enrolment and final exam preparation
6.1 – Day-to-Day monitoring of the Project activities
6.2 – NAPC Inter-university & Cross-university Assessment
6.3 – EUMS/APC Assessment
6.4 – External Evaluation
7.1 – Project Web-site & PC Universities Web-sites
7.2 – Project Publications
7.3 – Project Public Events
7.4 – Cooperation with the NAPC State Establishments & Stakeholders
7.5 – Students’ Fairs in the NAPC Universities
7.6 – Short-term online courses (EMINReM Expert’s Advanced Training) of industry representatives
8.1 – Contractual Issues and Project Progress Reports
8.2 – Elaboration and Dissemination of the Practical Project Management Guide (PPMG)
8.3 – Coordination Meetings of the PWT
8.4 – Day-to-day administration of the Project

Expected results:

1. Declarations (Partnership Agreements) between COO and all BENs – members of the Project
2. Consolidated Management Plan of joint activities and overall strategy for EMINReM Project
3. Initial Conference of Project Participants (Kick-off meeting)
4. Project Website
5. Innovative Master Program Curriculum in Eco-mining Engineering and Innovative Natural Recourses
6. Teaching Materials for the MSc Programs
7. EMINReM LABs and Resources Centres for students
8. Virtual e-Learning Platform
9. EMINReM Expert’s Advanced Training (EAT) course plan
10. Start of the EMINReM Expert’s advanced training
11. Start of EMINReM MSc students’ training
12. EMINReM MSc students’ pilot training
13. EMINReM Expert’s advanced pilot training
14. Project Quality Control & Monitoring Plan (QCP)
15. Reports of external experts
16. Dissemination, Exploitation and Sustainability Plan (DESP)
17. Consolidated Project Management Plan (CMP)
18. Practical Project Management Guide (PPMG)