


Erasmus+ КА2

Modernization of Pedagogical Higher Education by Innovative Teaching Instruments

Short description:

MoPED aims at modernizing curricula for Pedagogical Schools of Ukraine (UA) by incorporating novel courses of modern ICT teaching tools and inquiry methods. By answering the contemporary challenges and requirements and supporting ambitious large-scale educational reforms in Ukraine, the project will impact quality of pedagogical higher education and enhance digital and didactic competences of future school teachers. Specific objectives of the project are: • Created and accredited18 new courses and learning materials of STEAM Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Programme in participating UA HEI ; • Trained 450 lecturers/academic staff of Ukrainian Teacher Training Institutions to guarantee the exploitation and sustainability of developed courses and design of brand-new ones ; • Settled “Innovative classroom” in each UA HEI as a 21Century learning space based on best European practices ; • Established effective cooperation between EU and Ukrainian Pedagogic HEIs, school teachers, and their associations strengthening internationalization, knowledge transfer, and academic capacityIn order to achieve these objectives the MoPED will: – Produce 3D map (pedagogy, technology, education institutions) of education in Ukraine and pick the best products of EU HE; -Deliver guide to build teacher’s profile on digital competences ; -Build MoPED ecosystem communicating with main education actors in the country; -Pilot the new courses with 500+ university students;-Share knowledge gained from EU partners with 300+ school teachers by 12 trainings and improving their professional level;-Organize project conference and master classes.MoPED will impact HE actors – students, teaching staff, and administration; school teachers and students; other stakeholders such as policy makers, local communities, and parents, i.e., society in whole. It will receive highly-skilled and relevant to contemporary labour market population that will be prepared to meet new economic, financial, and social challenges.