


Erasmus+ КА2

Promoting professional education and students engagement through comprehensive mentoring and tutoring system at HEIs

Акронім:STRAND 2
Період проекту:01.03.2023 – 28.02.2026
Короткий опис:

Project goals and objectives.
The project aims to foster students’ employability by developing their relevant professional competencies and civic engagement through the comprehensive tutoring and mentoring (T&M) system at partner HEIs as a response to the labour market demands. The university T&M system will function on the base of an integrated set of methods, algorithms, and procedures enriched with the dedicated IT-platform, university organizational structures, trained staff, and active senior students. In complex, it will become an element of the sustainable educational process, that will develop and improve students’ hard and soft skills, as well as active engagement in civic life.

Specific project objectives are:
− To develop the comprehensive mentoring/tutoring system at the targeted HEIs aimed at enhancing employability of graduates and their adaptation to the real-work and academic conditions.
− To develop learning/ teaching materials and tools for mentoring / tutoring support.
− To improve professional and civic qualification in mentoring/tutoring for business and academic
staff as well as students.
− To approbate the developed T&M system by involving students in important social projects under
the guidance of professional mentors and tutors.
− To foster cooperation between targeted HEIs through the internationalisation of partners’ expertise and strengthen their relations with the wider socio-economic environment in the countries of the consortium.

− Development of the methodology of the tutoring and mentoring system and creation of
appropriate university centers;
− Development of tools for the tutoring and mentoring system;
− Training staff for tutoring and mentoring centers, mentors, tutors and teaching staff from partner
− Piloting of the tutoring and mentoring program at the regional level;
− Evaluation and dissemination of results.

Expected results:
1. The innovative tutoring & mentoring system will be developed and implemented based on the joint experience of the Consortium partners;
2. The project will provide testing of algorithms for establishing effective interaction between
academic and non-academic environments to improve youth employment;
3. The project will foster cooperation and exchanges between HEIs and wider social and economic
4. The project will enhance Ukrainian and Georgian HEIs’ capacity for innovation and
5. Through the developed models, methods and tools, the HEIs will provide new/modernised services to their students, enhance their collaboration with the private sector and increase their