


Jean Monnet

Social and Cultural Aspects of European Studies

Project type:CHAIR
HEI/Other type:HEI
Project period:2020-2023
Region:Kyiv Region
Short description:

The project’s goals are: to deep teaching in European Union studies embodied in an official curriculum of a higher education institution in the EU and constitutes the basis for future poles of European knowledge, particularly in Partner Countries
The project’s objectives are: teach the EU issue students who do not study specifically on European issues (management, inclusive pedagogy, agricultural management etc.), engage the young generation of researchers; hold a joint web conferences and round-table for educators from Ukraine and EU (Italy, Belgium etc.) that will enable Ukrainian educators and educational managers to get a professional experience in the field of social innovation in education (solidarity, inclusion, community based and value based education to enrich the higher pedagogical system in Ukraine and civil society accordingly.