


Jean Monnet

Strengthening Democratic Security Governance in the European Union’s Neighbourhood: Integrating Research into Policy

Project type:PROJECT
HEI/Other type:NGO
Project period:2014-2017
Region:Donetsk Region
City:Donetsk/relocated to Mariupol
Short description:

The project ‘Strengthening Democratic Security Governance in the European Union’s Neighbourhood: Integrating Research into Policy’ will enhance current knowledge and understanding of the role the concept of security sector reform plays in European security strategy and the European Neighbourhood Policy. It will contribute to the promotion of democratic security governance and research-led policy-making in European integration/European security areas in the public administration institutions in Ukraine and other European Neighbourhood countries as well as to the stimulation of excellence in teaching and research in European security studies in higher education institutions in Europe generally and the European Neighbourhood in particular. It will also contribute to consolidating and extending net-works and cooperation among scholars and decision-makers dealing with European security policy and facilitate knowledge transfer from academia to policy community and media and the broader public. The proposed project (as a synthesis of cross-fertilization and spread content types of Jean Monnet project) is expected to generate, accumulate, synthesize and disseminate knowledge about European integration process as it relates to promotion of democratic security governance in line with European security strategy and Eastern Partnership platform 1 ‘Democracy, good governance and stability’, including such objectives as ‘Justice, Freedom and Security’ and ‘Security and Stability’.The project participants will gain a better understanding of the distinctive features of the security sector reform approach in the EU’s security strategy and the ENP. Further knowledge gains are expected from specific expert analyses of security sector reforms in the EU member states and the European neighbourhood countries.