


Jean Monnet

The Application of Integrated Communications for Informing the Public on the Issues of European Integration and e-democracy

Тип проекту:MODULE
Тип HEI/Other:HEI
Період проекту:2020-2023
Регіон:Sumy Region
Короткий опис:

The actual nature of the project “The Application of Integrated Communications for Informing the Public on the Issues of European Integration and e-democracy” is called forth by the need for formation of the Ukrainian society conscious supporting the European integration processes in regions, comprehensive and objective informing and arrangement of communications with the community, which will enable the youth and the community to realize the necessity and inevitability of the European integration processes in Ukraine. The Project is designed for solving the following important issues:- providing comprehensive and objective information and analytical data on the essence of European integration and European values;- providing the listeners with a profound knowledge system of the experience of European countries in implementation of European values and European reforms;- expanding of participation of the civil society members and the youth in discussing issues, related to EU and concerning the influence of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement on development of the city and the region.The implementation of the Project shall enable the youth and the community to realize the necessity and inevitability of the European integration processes in the state as a whole and in the city in particular by means of informing about the main aspects of implementation of the Association Agreement.Involving teachers from schools, the college and the institute shall help increase the quality of the social education of the youth. Cohesive work of the project group and the teachers shall be directed to systematization of knowledge in the context of European integration and realization of benefits of the reforms conducted by the government.The project will provide the scientific and methodical achievements and knowledge distribution among a wide range of the Ukraine north-eastern region population, the EU experience popularization in implementation of European values.

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