Search Results for: 158-materialy-here-team/1904-dokumenty-yevropeiskoho-prostoru-vyshchoi-osvity-yepvo.html

Workshop for the teams of the winning Erasmus+ projects of the call “Capacity building in Higher Education (CBHE): project implementation features” (18.10.2024, online)

…winning teams of the “Capacity building in Higher Education (CBHE)” call. The event was held online via Zoom and brought together over 85 CBHE project implementers, participants, and academic staff…

Participation in the V Anniversary International Scientific and Practical Conference “Management and Administration in the Conditions of Countering Hybrid Threats to National Security” (17.10.2024, online)

On 7 October 2024, the team of the National Erasmus+ Office – Ukraine participated in the V Anniversary International Scientific and Practical Conference “Management and Administration in the Conditions of…