Presentation of Erasmus+ within Forum “Time of Resilience” (16.09.23, Kyiv)

On 16 September 2023, the NEO – Ukraine team took part in a panel discussion within the framework of the “Time of Resilience” Forum. This event brought together representatives of civil society organizations, volunteers and activists to discuss key aspects of resilience in the face of change and uncertainty.

The event included a panel discussion with civil society experts, training on emotional resilience, networking and a presentation of the results of the Enroot Resilience project.

About 45 representatives of organizations working with active youth from different regions of Ukraine took part in the event. The purpose of the Forum was to create a safe and open environment for the unification, training and mutual inspiration of activists, leaders and representatives of public organizations from different parts of Ukraine.

During the event, Kateryna Zhdanova presented the opportunities of the Erasmus+ Program for active youth. Speaker presented individual opportunities for youth and youth workers and the innovations of the Program for Ukrainians during the war. Cooperation among organisations and Institutions were also presented. During the presentation, clear recommendations regarding partners and opportunities search, the preparation stage and Programme key steps for newcomers were highlighted. After the presentation, the speaker presented opportunities for youth exchanges and participation in volunteer projects as additional Erasmus+ opportunities for the summer period.

Попередня Workshop Co-evolution “Business-University": New Realities - New Practices (15.09.2023, online/offline)