
New projects for Ukrainian sport organisations under EU-funded Erasmus+ Programme

European Education and Culture Executive Agency of European Commission has announced selection results of Erasmus+ Programme Sport Action call 2024. With a total available budget of more than EUR 54 million, 302 proposals have been recommended for funding: 100 Cooperation partnerships, 169 Small-scale partnerships, 22 European sport events and 11 Capacity building in the field […]

7 Ukrainian organisations will work on implementation of Erasmus Mundus Joint Master projects under EUs Erasmus+ Programme

This summer seven organisations from Ukraine have become winners of Joint Master Action projects under European Union Erasmus+ Programme. Out of a total of 34 selected proposals, 6 Erasmus Mundus Joint Master projects involving Ukrainian Higher Education Institutions and other organisations from Dnipro, Kyiv, Ternopil and Sumy were selected for funding. These projects aim to develop of Erasmus Mundus […]

14 new projects to build capacities for 65 organisations in Ukraine under EU’s Erasmus+ Programme

Fourteen projects involving 65 organisations from Ukraine have been recommended for funding under the European Union Erasmus+ Programme for Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education Action (CBHE). This year, the 151 projects proposed for funding include the participation as partners or coordinators of over 1,500 higher education stakeholders from almost 120 countries. Ukraine is in […]

17 Ukrainians won scholarships for Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters degrees

Totally 17 Ukrainians winners of the 2024 сall will study at Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters at universities in Europe and worldwide within European Union Erasmus+ Programme.  14 young women and 3 young men from Ukraine will start Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters this autumn at the leading universities of Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands, […]

Ukrainian universities won over 2 400 new International Mobility projects within EU’s Erasmus+ Programme

Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture of the European Commission provided information about the winners of Erasmus+ projects 2023 within International Credit Mobility Action. Among 35 225 projects selected for funding, 2 425 mobility projects are in cooperation with Ukrainian organisations which includes: 1 140 mobilities for Ukrainian staff to EU and 273 mobilities from […]

Capacity Building in Vocational Education and Training (CB VET) 2024: how to apply

The Capacity Building in VET 2024 call is now open for submission. Find out the call novelties, how to apply and other useful resources! Deadline for submission: 29 February 2024, 17:00 (CET). The Capacity building in the field of Vocational Education and Training (CB VET) action supports international cooperation projects based on multilateral partnerships between […]

Webinar for EU Erasmus+ Programme CBVET winners (2022-2023 calls) (12.10.2023, online)

On 12 October 2023 р. the Webinar for EU Erasmus+ Programme CBVET winners (2022-2023 calls) was organised. The event took place within the #ErasmusDays worldwide initiative. NEO-Ukraine team annually joins this worldwide initiative and organised a series of its own events and activities. This year the events were devoted to the issues of “Sustainability&Responsibility”.   The […]

20 new projects to build capacities for 107 organisations in Ukraine under Erasmus+ Programme

Twenty projects involving 58 universities and other organisations from Ukraine have been selected for funding under the European Union Erasmus+ Programme for Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education Action. In total, 159 projects were selected for funding. Ukraine has the biggest number of projects in the Eastern Partnership Region and is among the top […]

Ukrainian universities won a record 90 Jean Monnet European integration projects within EUs Erasmus+ Programme

According to information from Ukrainian universities, the European Commission has already started announcing the winners of Erasmus+ projects within Jean Monnet Action. As of now, out of 465 submitted projects with the participation of Ukraine, 90 Jean Monnet projects have been selected for funding, of which 88 are coordinated by 45 universities from Ukraine: 82 […]