NEO-Ukraine and NA-Portugal meeting with Lviv City Oblast Administration: cooperation with youth and sport in Lviv and Region (21.06.2023, Lviv)

On June 21, 2023,  National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine organised meeting with Head of the National Erasmus+ Agency in Portugal and the Lviv City Administration on Erasmus+ opportunities for youth and sport on call 2024.

Eight representatives of Lviv City Administration took part in the event representing leadership and structural units of the regional administration. Manager of the National Office in Ukraine Veronika TKACHENKO, Headof the National Agency in Portugal, Luis ALVEIS, and the assistant of the National Agency in Portugal, Nuno SANOS provided details about Erasmus+ Programme for 2021-2027, key actions and priorities and highlighted news calls on capacity building in youth and sporst fields. Participants also discussed current issues and challenges to be covered via joint projects bentween Ukrainian and Portugese potential partners.

As a result of the meeting, all participants agreed on active cooperation in the future and participation in youth and sports calls 2024.

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