


Erasmus+ КА2

Qualifications recognition support for Ukrainian universities

Project period:2020-2023
Action Code:CBHE-SP
Specific activity:Strengthening of relations between higher education systems and the wider economic and social environment
Short description:

The main objective of QuaRSU project is enhancing the role of higher education sector in society by supporting development of Ukrainian recognition system. The specific objevtives are: 1) Design, development and testing of recognition methodology compatible with the National Qualifications Framework. 2) Human Resources Development for recognition. 3) Establishment of Recognition Support Platform (RSP). The main outputs will be: Recognition manual with policy recommendations. Quality Handbook for internal QA. Recognition centres and Recognition Support Platform. Deliverables will be prepared in English, and Ukrainian. It is expected that project will contribute to improving of management and operation of partner HEIs as well as of wide range of other HEIs in UA. Project outputs and outcomes will be used by managers, administrators and teaching staff of Ukrainian HEIs. Trained administrative officers and academic staff will provide implementation of developed recognition mechanisms and tools in partner HEIs and spread their knowledge and experience both in partner HEIs and outside consortium at local and national level. Recognition centers will be used by managers, teaching staff and students and will contribute to upgrading of their knowledge and understanding of recognition aims, processes and mechanisms. The outcomes of the project will be sustainable beyond the project’s lifetime and will be institutionally and financially supported by partner HEIs as parts of institutions’ infrastructure.