HERE team Seminar “Approaches and tools for harmonizing education and the labor market” (27.05.21, online)

On 27 May 2021 the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine within the series of HERE team webinars organised seminar “Approaches and tools for harmonizing education and the labor market”. Key speaker of the webinar – Yuriy RASHKEVYCH, Member of the National Qualifications Agency; Professor of the Lviv Polytechnic National University, Deputy Minister of Education and […]

Meeting on the Jean Monnet project proposal writing with the team of the Lviv Polytechnic National University (26.05.2021, online)

On 26 May 2021 NEO – Ukraine took part in the meeting on project proposal writing with the team of the Lviv Polytechnic National University. Petro KRAINIK, NEO – Ukraine Manager, joined the event and stressed the importance of preparing projects aimed at creating educational products and disseminating leading European practices. Speaker presented new Erasmus+ […]

Meeting on the Jean Monnet project proposal writing with the team of the Oles Honchar Dnipro National University (26.05.2021, online)

On 26 May 2021 NEO – Ukraine took part in the meeting on project proposal writing with the team of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University. Petro KRAINIK, NEO – Ukraine Manager, joined the event and stressed the importance of preparing projects aimed at creating educational products and disseminating leading European practices. Speaker presented new Erasmus+ […]

Meeting on the Jean Monnet project proposal writing with the team of the National Pirogov Memorial Medical University (25.05.2021, online)

On 25 May 2021 NEO – Ukraine took part in the meeting project proposal writing with representatives of Pirogov Memorial Medical University. Petro KRAINIK, NEO – Ukraine Manager, joined the event and stressed the importance of preparing projects aimed at creating educational products and disseminating leading European practices. Speaker presented new Erasmus+ Programme and its […]

Participation in the ENIC Ukraine International Conference “Recognition in the EHEA: next steps” (25.05.2021, online)

On 25 May 2021, NEO – Ukraine joined ENIC Ukraine International Conference “Recognition in the EHEA: next steps”, organised as a  Final Conference of the TPG-LRC project.  After the EHEA Ministerial Conference hosted by Italy in November 2020, the Ministers of Education of the 49 countries members of the European Higher Education Area jointly signed […]

Infosession on individual opportunities for students and staff of Dragomanov National Pedagogical University (21.05.2021, Kyiv)

On 21 May 2021, NEO – Ukraine provided online Info session on individual opportunities for students and staff of Dragomanov National Pedagogical University. NEO – Ukraine Zhanna TALANOVA highlighted opportunities for students and staff within education sphere, stressed key aspects of successful participation to win grants for studying, trainings, internships and teaching, as well as […]

Participation in the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine series of events for VET on Erasmus+ opportunities (21.05.2021, online)

On 21 May 2021, within the series of events for VET institutions, NEO – Ukraine participated in first webinar “New Erasmus+ VET opportunities in details”. The initiative was organized by the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine together with the Reform Support Team of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, as well as educational […]