In order to achieve its objectives, the Erasmus+ Programme foresees the implementation of the following Actions in the 2021-2027 period:
- Mobility of learners and staff: opportunities for pupils, students, trainees and young people, as well as for professors, teachers, trainers, youth workers, sport coaches, staff of education institutions and civil society organisations to undertake a learning and/or professional experience in another country. This Action is open for Ukraine, including special measures for school and adult education mobility.
- Youth participation activities: youth-led local and transnational initiatives run by informal groups of young people and/or youth organisations to help young people engage and learn to participate in democratic life, raising awareness about European Union common values and fundamental rights, bringing together young people and decision makers at local, national and European level, as well as contributing to European Union common goals. This Action is open for Ukraine.
- DiscoverEU: action offering 18-year-olds the opportunity to have a short-term individual or group travel experience throughout Europe. As an informal learning activity, DiscoverEU aims at fostering the sense of belonging to the European Union of the participants and allow them to explore its cultural diversity. It also seeks to equip the young people with skills and competences of value to their future lives, as well as inspire them to embrace sustainable travel in particular and environmental conscience in general. DiscoverEU includes a general action, where the young people can apply directly on the European Youth Portal as well as an inclusion action. The DiscoverEU Inclusion Action targets young people with fewer opportunities to facilitate their participation in DiscoverEU on equal footing with their peers. This Action is not open for Ukraine.
- The Programme offers language learning opportunities to participants carrying out a mobility activity abroad. This support is mainly offered via the Erasmus+ Online Language Support (OLS) tool, adapted as necessary to individual sectors, as e-learning offers advantages for language learning in terms of access and flexibility. In particular cases, that is, when online learning is not the best tool to reach the target group, additional forms of language support will be offered. OLS is open for Ukraine from July 2022.
- Virtual exchanges in higher education and youth: online people-to-people activities that promote intercultural dialogue and soft skills development between individuals from third countries not associated to the Programme, EU Member States or third countries associated to the Programme. They take place in small groups and are always moderated by a trained facilitator. This Action is open for Ukraine.
Partnerships for Cooperation, including:
- Cooperation Partnerships: The primary goal of Cooperation Partnerships is to allow organisations to increase the quality and relevance of their activities, to develop and reinforce their networks of partners, to increase their capacity to operate jointly at transnational level, boostinginternationalisation of their activities, and through exchanging or developing new practices and methods as well as sharing and confronting ideas. This Action is open for Ukraine (KA220 and ENGOs).
- Small-scale Partnerships: this action aims at widening access to the Programme to small-scale actors and individuals who are hard to reach in the fields of school education, adult education, vocational education and training, youth and sport. With lower grant amounts awarded to organisations, shorter duration and simpler administrative requirements compared to the Cooperation Partnerships, this action aims at reaching out to grassroots organisations and
newcomers to the Programme and less experienced organisations, reducing entry barriers to the Programme for organisations with smaller organisational capacity. This Action is not open for Ukraine, however the projects could address the challenges of Ukrainians abroad.
Partnerships for Excellence, including:
- European Universities: This action supports the emergence of bottom-up networks of higher education institutions, which will bring cross-border cooperation to the next level of ambition, through the development of joint long-term strategies for top-quality education, research and innovation, based on a common vision and shared values. This Action is open for Ukraine as associated partners.
- Centres for Vocational Excellence (CoVE): This initiative supports a bottom-up approach to vocational excellence involving a wide range of local stakeholders enabling VET institutions to rapidly adapt skills provision to evolving economic and social needs. They operate in a given local context, creating skills ecosystems for innovation, regional development, and social inclusion, while working with CoVEs in other countries through international collaborative networks. They provide opportunities for initial training of young people as well as the continuing up-skilling and re-skilling of adults, through flexible and timely offer of training that meets the needs of a dynamic labour market, in the context of the green and digital transitions. This Action is open for Ukraine.
- Erasmus+ Teacher Academies: The overall objective of this action is to create European partnerships of teacher education and training providers to set up Erasmus+ Teacher Academies that will develop a European and international outlook in teacher education. These Academies will embrace multilingualism and cultural diversity, develop teacher education in line with the EU’s priorities in education policy and contribute to the objectives of the 16 European Education Area. This Action is not open for Ukraine.
- Erasmus Mundus Actions: This action aims at fostering excellence and world-wide internationalisation of higher education institutions via study Programmes – at master course level – jointly delivered and jointly recognised by higher education institutions established in Europe, and open to institutions in other countries of the world. This Action is open for Ukraine.
Partnerships for Innovation, including:
- Alliances for Innovation: This action aims at fostering strategic cooperation between key players in higher education and vocational education and training, business and research – the “knowledge triangle” – to foster innovation and modernisation of education and training systems in identifying and supplying the right set of skills, knowledge and competences to match the future labour market demand in sectors and fields that are strategic for Europe’s sustainable growth and competitiveness. This Action is open for Ukraine.
- Forward-looking Projects/Experimentation on Policy Reforms: This action will aim to foster innovation, creativity and participation, as well as social entrepreneurship in different fields of education and training. It will support forward-looking ideas based around key European priorities, and that have the potential of becoming
mainstreamed and giving input for improving education and training systems, as well as to bring a substantial innovative effect in terms of methods and practices to all types of learning and active participation settings for Europe’s social cohesion. This Action is open for Ukraine as associated partner.
Capacity Building projects, including:
- Capacity Building projects in the field of higher education: This action supports international cooperation projects based on multilateral partnerships between organisations active in the higher education field in EU Member States or third countries associated to the Programme and third countries not associated to the Programme. They aim to support the relevance, quality, modernisation and accessibility and of higher education in third countries not associated to the Programme as a driver of sustainable socio-economic development. This Action is open for Ukraine.
- Capacity Building projects in the field of vocational education and training: This action in the field of Vocational Education and Training supports international cooperation projects based on multilateral partnerships between organisations active in the field of VET in EU Member States, third countries associated to the Programme and third countries not associated to the Programme. They aim to support the relevance, accessibility, and responsiveness of VET institutions and systems in third countries not associated to the Programme, as a driver of sustainable socio-economic development. This Action is open for Ukraine.
- Capacity Building projects in the field of youth: this action supports cooperation and exchange in the field of youth between organisations in EU Member States, third countries associated to the Programme and third countries not associated to the Programme, and covers non-formal learning activities, with a focus on raising the capacity of organisations working with young people outside formal learning, while ensuring the active participation of young people. This Action is open for Ukraine.
- Capacity Building projects in the field of sport: The action will support international cooperation projects based on multilateral partnerships between organisations active in the field of sport in EU Member States, third countries associated to the Programme and third countries not associated to the Programme. They aim to support sport activities and policies in third countries not associated to the Programme as a vehicle to promote values as well as an educational tool to promote the personal and social development of individuals and build more cohesive communities. This Action is open for Ukraine.
- Not-for-profit sport events: This action will support the preparation, organisation and follow up of not-for-profit sport events, organised either in one single country or in several countries by not-for-profit organisations or public bodies active in the field of sport. These events will aim at increasing the visibility of the Erasmus+ sport actions as well as raise awareness on the role of sport in promoting social inclusion, equal opportunities and health-enhancing physical activities. This Action is not open for Ukraine.
This Key Action supports:
The European Youth Together action, (targeting both youth organisations at grass root level and larger organisations), supporting partnerships across borders. Activities under this action should contribute to widening the outreach towards young people to ensure a diversity of voices, and reach a diverse range
of young people within and beyond youth organisations, including youth with fewer opportunities. They should involve a variety of traditional and digital channels and facilitate the development of partnerships and networks, enabling participation and access for grassroots NGOs and youth movements. This Action is not open for Ukraine.
In addition, this Key Action covers:
- Actions aimed at preparing and supporting the implementation of the EU policy agenda on education, training, youth and sport, including sectoral agendas for higher education, vocational education and training, schools and adult learning, and in particular by facilitating the governance and functioning of the Open Methods of Coordination.
- Carrying out European policy experimentations, led by high-level public authorities and involving field trials on policy measures in several countries, based on sound evaluation methods. In line with the EU Youth Strategy, a financial support will also be provided to the structures animating the National Working Groups designated by each national authority in the frame of the EU Youth Dialogue at national level.
- Actions aimed at gathering evidence and knowledge about education, training, youth and sport systems and policies at national and European level, with a view to facilitate reasoned policy-making. Evidence gathering and analysis will be undertaken through EU-wide or international surveys and studies as well as thematic and country-specific expertise.
- Actions which facilitate transparency and recognition of skills and qualifications, as well as the transfer of credits, to foster quality assurance, support validation of non-formal and informal learning, skills management and guidance. This area will also include the support to national and European-level bodies or networks that facilitate cross-European exchanges as well as the development of flexible learning pathways between different fields of education, training and youth and across formal, non-formal and informal learning settings. Actions that foster policy dialogue with stakeholders within and outside the European Union, though, for example, conferences, events and other activities involving policy makers, practitioners and other stakeholders in the fields of education, training, youth and sport, to raise awareness about the relevant European policy agendas and to promote Europe as an excellent study and research destination.
- Cooperation with international organisations with highly recognised expertise and analytical capacity (such as the OECD and the Council of Europe), to strengthen the impact and added value of policies in the fields of education, training, youth and sport.
Jean Monnet Action in the field of Higher Education:
This action supports Higher Education Institutions inside and outside Europe to promote teaching and research on European integration and to promote policy debate and exchanges involving the academic world and policy-makers on Union policy priorities. The following sub-actions are supported:
- Jean Monnet Modules: short teaching Programmes in one or more disciplines of European Union studies;
- Jean Monnet Chairs: longer teaching posts with a specialisation in European Union studies for individual university professors;
- Jean Monnet Centres of Excellence: focal points gathering knowledge of high-level experts in various disciplines of European studies, as well as developing transnational activities and structural links with academic institutions in other countries.
This Action is open for Ukraine.
Jean Monnet Action in other fields of education and training:
This action promotes knowledge on the European Union in schools and vocational education and training (VET) institutes in the EU Member States and third countries associated with the Programme. It aims to offer opportunities to education providers to develop and 18 deliver content to learners, to teacher training providers to support teachers with methodologies and updated knowledge on European Union issues and to promote debate and exchanges between school and VET representatives and stakeholders on learning about European Union subjects. The following sub-actions are supported:
- Teacher Training: design and offer structured training proposals on EU subjects to teachers;
- Learning EU Initiative: to promote a better understanding, in general education and vocational training (ISCED 1 – 4).
This Action is not open for Ukraine.
Jean Monnet policy debate: Jean Monnet Networks in Higher Education, in line with a specific theme linked to a Commission priority, will collect, share and discuss among partners, research findings, content of courses and experiences, products (studies, articles, content of courses, etc.). Networks for other fields
of education and training, exchange of good practices and experience co-teaching within a group of countries. This Action was open for Ukraine till 2023.
Support to designated institutions: The action supports institutions pursuing an aim of European interest, providing to the Union, its Member States and its citizens with high quality services in specific priority subject areas. The main activities and outreach of these institutions involve research, including collection of data and their analysis to prepare future policies, teaching in situ and online for future staff of the international organisations and for civil servants in particular in juridical and management areas, organising events on priority issues for the Union and disseminating specific results and general information for the broad public. This Action is open for Ukraine.