“35 Years of Jean Monnet Actions” Anniversary Conference – updated with facts and figures about Ukraine (9-10.10.2024, online/offline)

On 9 and 10 October 2024, the “35 Years of Jean Monnet Actions” Anniversary Conference will take place at the Square Brussels Convention Centre, in Brussels, Belgium.

The Jean Monnet Actions have been running under Erasmus+ since 1989 to support teaching and research in the field of the European Union studies. They have recently expanded in the new Erasmus+ programme period to cover the European dimension of teaching across the educational landscape including schools and VET institutes.

This event provides participants the chance to reactivate the Jean Monnet communities and build long-term cooperation and exchange on EU matters among academics from all over the world.

The event will take place at the Square Brussels Convention Centre. If you are unable to attend in person, you can follow online. A webstream will be published on this page on the day of the event.

What? “35 Years of Jean Monnet Actions” Anniversary Conference.

When? On 9 and 10 October 2024.

Where? Brussels, Belgium and online stream.

Find all the information on the event’s webpage.

Facts and figures about participation of Ukraine in EU’s Jean Monnet Programme 2001-2024:


Ukraine joined the Jean Monnet Programme in 2001 with 1 project of Module, implemented by the Donetsk National University team.

During 12 years, there were 27 projects funded by EU: 14 modules, 2 Centers of Excellence, 3 projects on information and research, 1 support to association. 16 higher education institutions and 1 NGO  joined Jean Monnet Action within EU’s LifeLong Learning Programme.



Jean Monnet Programme continued its life under Erasmus+ Programme as Actions. Ukraine has become in top 5 countries in the world with the most numbers of submitted and funded proposals under Erasmus+ Programme!

In 1 stage 2014-2020 – at 7 calls – 1069 proposals were submitted by Ukrainian institutions and in the current stage in 4 calls – 1501 proposals were already applied. All in all 2570 projects from Ukraine confirmed a strong interest and needs on the European Studies in Ukraine.

During 10 years 379 projects were recommended for funding: 311 modules, 13 Centers of Excellence, 30 Chairs, 7 networks, 8 support for association, 10 projects. The projects have been implemented by over 100 Ukrainian Higher Education institutions, 2 research institutions and 10 NGOs.

Top 8 Universities: Sumy State University (48), Lviv Polytechnic National University (24), V. N. KARAZIN KHARKIV NATIONAL UNIVERSITY together with UKRAINIAN ENGINEERING PEDAGOGICS ACADEMY (21); Zaporizhzhya National University (15), Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University (14), Sumy National Agrarian University (13). Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics (12), Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (10).

2 Associations supported by EU remain proactive and sustainable and united JeanMonnists Community in Ukraine: Association of European Studies and Ukrainian Association of Professors and Researchers of European Integration.

More information about participation of Ukraine in Jean Monnet and other Actions of EU’s Erasmus+ at the link.

National Erasmus+ Office – Ukraine team cordially congratulates Jean Monnet Community of Ukraine and thanks the European Commission and European Education and Culture Executive Agency for constant support!

We cordially thank Petro Krainik who coordinates Jean Monnet Actions and provided huge number of consultations and trainings to Ukrainian Universities and took it over from Olena Orzhel who were the 1st coordinator of this action in National Tempus Office – Ukraine team, thanks to her efforts the active  promotion of Jean Monnet Programme has started from 2009 in Ukraine!

Попередня Erasmus+ World Wide Webinar 2024 (22-24.10.2024, online)