Erasmus+ Programme International Information Week (6-10 November 2017)


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On 6-10 November 2017, the Erasmus+ Programme International Information Week representatives of higher education institutions from different regions of Ukraine was held in Kyiv. Events in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme International Information Week were organized by the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine jointly with European Delegation to Ukraine, Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) (Brussels, Belgium), Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in close cooperation with Erasmus+ Agencies from Germany, Spain and the UK, National Erasmus+ Office in Kazakhstan and HEIs – Kyiv National Linguistic University, «KROK» University, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, National Transport University.
More than 1000 participants – students, staff, representatives of higher education institutions and NGOs from different cities of Ukraine took part in the events of the the International Information Week: Bila Tserkva, Cherkasy, Chernihiv, Chernivtsi, Dnipro, Irpin, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kamenets-Podilsk, Kharkiv, Kherson, Kryvyi Rih, Kyiv, Luhansk, Lutsk, Lviv, Melitopol, Mykolaiv, Nizhyn, Odesa, Ostrog, Poltava, Shostka, Slovyansk, Sumy, Ternopil, Uman, Zaporizhzhia, Zhytomyr. Representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine as the main beneficiary of the Erasmus+ Programme actively participated in all events of the Erasmus+ Programme International Information Week.

First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Volodymyr KOVTUNETS addressed the participants of the VI International conference «Bologna Process: Governance of the Higher Education system in context of Quality Assurance» which included the Tempus and Erasmus+ Cluster Panel for higher education quality assurance issues. Speaker presented the projects results: Models of internal and external quality assurance; HEIs self-assessment mechanisms; Harmonization of educational programs with NQF; Sectoral QF for Environmental Sciences; Approaches for educational programs’ development in accordance with sectoral QF. The First Deputy Minister also noted the necessity of HE reforms, primarily to improve the quality and competitiveness of Ukrainian HEIs. Director of the Department of Higher Education of the Ministry Oleg SHAROV, Higher Education Reform Expert (HERE), described the state and possibilities of national higher education system development.

Nora SKABURSKIENĖ, Director of the Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education (SKVC), Lithuania, ТАМ ЕАСЕА expert, Member of the Board of ENQA and CEENQA, attended the Conference and provided presentation on HE governance in the QA context. Louise LUMSDEN, Higher Education Academy expert (UK), outlined the role of teaching and learning in the context of HE quality assurance system.

Head of Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine, Mr. Hugues MINGARELLI attended the Workshop for the Project Winners and Implementers teams on Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education (2015-2017 calls). Speaker noted the mission of the Erasmus+ Programme in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) development for quality improvement of Ukrainian HEIs. Head of Delegation mentioned and greeted Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University as the first Ukrainian coordinator (grantholder) in the history of educational programs within EU international cooperation. Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Pavlo KHOBZEY emphasized that the Ministry will provide active support to Ukrainian coordinator and project teams on successful project implementation aimed to improve educational reform in Ukraine.

First Counsellor, Head of Section “Economic Cooperation, Social and Regional Development” Juana MERA CABELLO underlined needs of success project proposals and implementation of Erasmus+ projects during International Information Day: Capacity Building in Higher Education and Other Actions. Head of Department for International Relations and European Integration Anna NOVOSAD presented national priorities for Erasmus+ projects, and indicated innovative approaches to support fruitful project proposals from the Ministry.

Giulia MORO, Erasmus+ Unit CBHE, Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA, Brussels, Belgium) highlighted international dimension of the Erasmus+ key areas in sphere of HE. Speaker identified the requirements for the successful project proposals in the field of Capacity Building in Higher Education, presented a schedule, evaluation procedures, and recommendations on strong partnership, budgeting and reporting.

Manana SALUKVADZE, Ilia State University (Georgia), presented practical approaches for successful financial management of Erasmus+ projects. Speaker conducted training based on competent experience and advanced practice of university-grantholders from Partner Country.

Naquita LEWIS, National Agency of Erasmus+ in the UK; Judith PELTZ, Head of International Relations Department, University of Applied Sciences (Germany); Johannes ABELE, Head of the International Office, Universität des Saarlandes (Germany); and Juan Carlos GARCÍA GALINDO, General Director of International Office, Universidad de Cádiz (Spain) provided presentations on International Credit Mobility (ICM), key recommendations on effective project proposals, evaluation procedures and Programme documents.

During the Erasmus+ Information Day on Learning Mobility Opportunities for Individuals, Vira RYBAK, Coordinator of Education, Science, Technology and Information Society Sector of the EU Delegation to Ukraine, stressed high involvement of students and staff in academic mobility projects in order to gain new experience for quality of Ukrainian HEIs enhancement.

Olga DOROSH (Institut français d’Ukraine), Lyudmyla KLOTS (DAAD), Karina SHAHBAZYAN (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions NCP (Horizon 2020) and representatives of European Voluntary Service – Erasmus+ InfoCenter Youth joined the event with presentation on opportunities for participants.

During the last day, ICM students and representatives of Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association (EMA) provided presentations on their experience studying at European Universities.

Presentations are available by the link:

We would like to thank all participants and co-organizers for their active work throughout the International Week of Erasmus+ Programme!

Best regards,
NEO team in Ukraine

Попередня Erasmus+ Information Day “EU Support to Ukrainian Youth” (7.12.17)