Forum “Energy efficiency in professional education: global challenges, local solutions and the agenda for the future” (28.03.2024, Kyiv)

On 28 March 2023, the final event of the project “Energy-efficient educational institution. Thermal modernization of VET institutions within the developed energy efficiency courses. 2.0”, which took place within the Forum “Energy efficiency in professional education: global challenges, local solutions and the agenda for the future”.

About 40 representatives of 10 VET institutions of Ukraine joined the event.

The event began with greetings from the project stakeholders: Gregor Joseph BROMLING, director of the project “Promotion of energy efficiency and implementation of the EU Directive on energy efficiency in Ukraine”; Lyudmyla HARMASH, representative of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; Ihor LEPYOSHKIN, adviser of the project “Promotion of energy efficiency and implementation of the EU Directive on energy efficiency in Ukraine”; Natalia POROHNYUK, representative of the State Agency for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine; Andrii IZOVITA, co-founder of the charitable organization “BF “Lyudyna”.

During the event, the need for such projects was emphasized, the importance of the development of vocational education and the training of qualified personnel for the development and post-war recovery of Ukraine was emphasized, and the need to implement thermal modernization and energy-saving technologies as part of the country’s green course was also noted.

Veronika TKACHENKO, Manager of National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine, presented opportunities in the field of vocational education and training, focusing on mobility opportunities and cooperation projects. Speaker emphasized the key features and objectives of the actions, requirements for partnerships, key activities, potential cooperation with other educational institutions and inter-project synergies. 

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