ICM Contact Semonar (2-3.07.19, Kiel, Germany)
On 2-3 July 2019, the NEO representative participated in the Erasmus+ ICM Working Group Meeting (Kiel, Germany). Among the participants, there were representatives of the German Universities, EU Commission, National Erasmus+ Agency in Germany, National Offices in Georgia, Kosovo and Marocco.
The NEO Ukraine presentation was offered to more than 50 event participants regarding the statistics and experience of Ukrainian HEIs’ participation in the Erasmus + programme and Erasmus + international credit mobility, in particular, for the period of 2015-2019. The achievements, challenges and prospects of effective implementation of international credit mobility projects by Ukrainian and German universities were communicated during the meeting. A number of consultations and discussions were held with the representatives from the interested universities of Germany on finding HEI-partners in Ukraine, improving the effectiveness of joint ICM projects implemented by the German and Ukrainian universities via overcoming the obstacles in mobility results recognition, organizational bottlenecks in obtaining student visas, improvement of logistics for departure and arrival arrangements for mobility participants, constructive discussion of financial aspects drawbacks, etc.
The future perspectives for the Erasmus credit mobility in 2021-2027 with international dimension were communicated by the EU Commission. Upon the request of the German Universities’ representatives, the contacts of the corresponded Ukrainian Universities were provided by the NEO Ukraine representative to launch joint Erasmus + ICM projects. The representatives of German universities have confirmed their interest in deepening cooperation with Ukrainian HEIs for the implementation of their ICM projects. The issues on how to improve the effectiveness of joint ICM projects were constructively discussed during the 2-day event.