InfoDays of EUs Erasmus+ Programme in Ukraine: book the date! (19-21.12.2023, online)

The National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine together with the Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine (tbc), Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (tbc), Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance (tbc), National Qualifications Agency, Info Centre for Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps in Ukraine and other partners invite you on 19-21 December 2023 to join the InfoDays of EUs Erasmus+ Programme in Ukraine  in the fields of education, youth and sports, organised within the European Year of Skills 2023.

During the events participants will learn about:

  • EUs Erasmus+ Programme 2024 calls in the fields of education, youth and sports
  • goals, priorities and requirements of key actions
  • key portals of the Programme
  • Partner search and  successful application form preparation

What? InfoDays of EUs Erasmus+ Programme in Ukraine

When? 19-21 December 2023.

Where? Online via Zoom-platform with live streaming via NEO – Ukraine YouTube channel.

AGENDA– updating.

Language of the events: Ukrainian.

Registration for each event is REQUIRED. Registration forms will be open soon.

Participants will receive certificates with the results of the events.

Please note: to ensure quality participation within InfoDays, all registered participants will receive materials for self-study before the events!

In case of additional questions, please contact: Kateryna ZHDANOVA, NEO – Ukraine Manager, +38 093 773 43 92 (Telegram, WhatsApp), with the Cc


See you online!

Believe in Ukraine, every citizen, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, our partners and work together to achieve results for victory! Everything is and will be Ukraine!

#ErasmusPlus #ErasmusUA #StandForUkraine #EuropeanYearofSkills

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