Inter-institutional agreement for mobility of students and staff with partner countries now available
As from the second Erasmus+ call, student and staff mobility in higher education will be possible not only within Europe, but also with partner countries from the rest of the world.
The inter-institutional agreements which higher education institutions (HEIs) sign before they start exchanging students and staff had to be adapted to take into account the specificities of mobility from and to Europe.
In particular, the principles of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education(595 kB)
are mentioned in the agreement, since higher education institutions in partner countries are not holders of the Charter.
By signing the international inter-institutional agreement, partner countries commit themselves to respecting its principles.
It is recommended that HEIs from Programme and Partner countries sign this agreement once they are selected for funding for international mobility, and in any case before the mobility takes place.
See details at:
The Erasmus+ Quality Framework consists of a set of documents outlining the rights and responsibilities of individuals and organisations participating in the Erasmus+ programme .
- Erasmus Charter for Higher Education
- Іnter-Institutional Agreements
- Learning Agreement
- Erasmus+ Student Charter
The documents/ templates are available for the cooperation within Programme Countries and Programme Countries with Partner Countries for International Dimension of Erasmus+.
For details please visit: