International Information Week of EU Programme Erasmus+ (4-8.11.19): CHOOSE DAYS AND ADD TO YOUR SCHEDULE!
National Erasmus+ office – Ukraine together with Ministry of Education and Sciences of Ukraine with the support of EU Delegation to Ukraine and Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) invite you to join the INTERNATIONAL ERASMUS+ WEEK IN UKRAINE on 4-8 November 2019 in Kyiv, Ukraine.
In line with the SPECIAL FUNDING WINDOW for Ukraine, participation within International Erasmus+ Week in Ukraine is a FANTASTIC POSSIBILITY for networking to find cooperation OPPORTUNITIES with new PARTNERS!
Target audience:
• for cooperation of organizations – higher educational institutions, research institutions, international relation offices, Erasmus+ coordinators, local authorities, public/private organisations, NGOs, enterprises, etc.;
• for individual opportunities – students (Bachelor, Master, PhD), university graduates, HEIs staff, researchers, etc.
The Week includes events for building the capability of the universities and organisations on how to write project proposals and apply for Erasmus+ Call 2020 as well for the current beneficiaries and winners on how to implement the projects successfully. In addition, events will be useful for individuals interested in scholarships on short-term and long-term mobilities for education, teaching, trainings and traineeships.
Co-organizers: Erasmus+ Agencies from Programme Countries, National Erasmus+ Offices from Partner Countries, Programme and Partner Countries Universities.
AGENDA OF THE WEEK (download):
4.11.2019 – INTERNATIONAL ERASMUS+ INFO DAY IN UKRAINE – Calls for Proposals 2019: Mobility (Academic and Youth), Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices (School, VET, Adult, Higher Education and Youth), Support to Policy Reforms (Higher Education and Youth), Jean Monnet, Sport (for all beneficiaries).
5.11.2019 – INTERNATIONAL ERASMUS+ MOBILITY DAY: Workshops on “How to Apply and How to Implement Mobility projects” (for potential and current partners).
6.11.2019 – ERASMUS+ CBHE WINNERS’ DAY: Workshop for Capacity Building for Higher Education Projects on “How to Implement your Project Successfully and Manage the Grant Funds Smoothly” (for CBHE winners and current projects teams).
6.11.2019 – ERASMUS+ MOBILITY DAY FOR INDIVIDUALS (for students, graduates and HEIs staff).
7.11.2019 – INTERNATIONAL BOLOGNA CONFERENCE “«European Integration of Ukraine’ Higher Education» Student-centred Learning, Teaching and Assessment as a part of the QA system” (for CBHE and ICM projects beneficiary institutions, HEIs, researchers, students, ENIC/NARIC – Ukraine).
- Part 1. On How to Implement your Jean Monnet Project Successfully (for winners);
- Part 2. On How to Apply to Calls for Proposals 2019 (for potential partners).
Language: Ukrainian, English (simultaneous translation is provided).
Obligatory registration and events details will be updated in August 2019.
Participation in the events is FREE. Travel and stay costs are not reimbursed.
Contact person: Kateryna, Veronika, +38044 286 66 68, +38044 332 26 45, e-mail: [email protected]; skype: erasmusplus_ua.
Be ready to use new digital tools via your gadgets!
You are welcome to join and share the official International Eramus+ Week in Ukraine Facebook event page.
Very much looking forward to welcoming you!