International round table “Implementation of the European vector of state economic development through digitalization” (24.09.2024, online)

On 24 September 2024, the Faculty of Economics of Zaporizhzhia National University held a round table “Implementation of the European vector of state economic development through digitalization”. The event was held within the framework of the project of the European Union Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Programme “Implementation of the European vector of state economic development through digitalization”.

More than 200 participants from different universities of Ukraine joined the event: Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University; Lithuanian University of Sport; Lviv Polytechnic National University; Ivan Puluj National Technical University of Ternopil; Khmelnytsky National University; Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas; National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine; Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania); Poltava University of Economics and Trade; Izmail State University of Humanities; Kyiv National Economic University; and Kyiv National Economic University.

The participants of the Round Table were greeted by Hennadii Vasylchuk, Vice-Rector for Research of Zaporizhzhya National University, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, who focused the attention of the audience on the international activities of the university, in particular on the implementation of projects of the EU Erasmus+ Program, on the importance and relevance of the Jean Monnet project, on the peculiarities of the implementation of international events and ensuring the safety of the educational process in wartime.

Petro KRAINIK, representative of the National Erasmus+ Office – Ukraine, in his speech emphasized the importance of the topic of the round table within the Jean Monnet project both in the conditions of russia’s war against Ukraine and during the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine, about the social importance and value of the Jean Monnet project in the educational environment, in the region, about communication and the need and relevance of using digital technologies,  about synergy and inter-project cooperation.

During the event, presentations were made by: Garnik L. P., Senior Research Fellow at Department of Innovative Poultry Production of the State Research Poultry Station of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine (PhD); Petko S. M., Associate Professor of the Department of International Management, Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University (PhD in Economics, Associate Professor); Podkupko T. L., Associate Professor of the Department of Social Sciences, Odesa National Medical University (PhD in History, Associate Professor); Filonova A. O, Specialist at the Center for Educational Services for Foreigners and Stateless Persons, Zaporizhzhia National University, Bachelor’s degree student majoring in Social Work; Koleshchuk O. Y., Associate Professor of the Department of Business Economics and Investments, Lviv Polytechnic National University (Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor); Murashko I. S, Associate Professor of the Department of Business and Tourism Management, Izmail State University of Humanities (PhD in Economics, Associate Professor); Stepanenko L. V., Chairman of the Board of the NGO “Center for Social Business Development ‘Initiative’; Drachuk Y. Z., Full Member of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine (Doctor of Economics, Professor); Tarasyuk H. M, Dean of the Faculty of Business and Services, State University of Zhytomyr Polytechnic (Doctor of Economics, Professor); Kostyshyna T. A., Head of the Department of Human Resources Management, Labor Economics and Economic Theory, Poltava University of Economics and Trade (Doctor of Economics, Professor); Simanavičienė J., Professor, Romeris University (Doctor of Economics, Professor) (Lithuania); HONCHAR O. I., Professor, Department of Economic Theory, Entrepreneurship and Trade, Khmelnytsky National University (Doctor of Economics, Professor); HORAL L. T., Professor, Department of Finance, Accounting and Taxation, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (Doctor of Economics, Professor); Sherstyuk R. P, Vice-Rector for Economics and Development, Ivan Puluj Ternopil National Technical University (Doctor of Economics, Professor); Cherep A. V., Head of the Department of Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock Market, Zaporizhzhia National University (Doctor of Economics, Professor).

During the event, participants learned about the theoretical, methodological, and practical aspects of implementing the European experience of developing the state’s economy through digitalization, as well as the directions of building a strategic platform for the development of Ukraine’s economy in the wartime and postwar period.

Details about the event and speakers’ presentations are available via the link.

Project website available via the link.

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