International webinar “Bologna Process and International Academic Mobility” (25.11.2020 – online)

25.11 eng

National Erasmus + Office in Ukraine, the team of Ukraine’s Higher Education Reform Experts (EU Project), Institute for Leadership, Innovation and Development organised a webinar on November 25, 2020 on implementation of Bologna Process instruments for internationalization and quality assurance in higher education, including international academic mobility and recognition.

The webinar was organized in the framework of the EU Erasmus+ project “FaBoTo – Facilitating the use of Bologna tools for higher education institutions and quality assurance organisations“, with the participation of Erasmus + National Agency, the Netherlands, the Netherlands’ National Team of Bologna Experts, representatives of the Netherlands’ universities, Ukraine’s HERE team and higher education institutions.
Around 100 participants joined the event:  Erasmus + coordinators, officers of international cooperation and academic mobility departments, academic and administrative staff, students, representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, ENIC / NARIC Centre, National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, National Qualifications Agency. 

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  • State of affairs of the Bologna Process in the Netherlands, Robert Wagenaar, member of the Bologna Expert Team of the Netherlands, Director of the International Tuning Academy, Professor of History and Higher Education Policy at the University of Groningen – at the link here.
  • Recognition of periods and learning outcomes, Robert Wagenaar, member of the Bologna Expert Team of the Netherlands, Director of the International Tuning Academy, Professor of History and Higher Education Policy at the University of Groningen- at the link here.
  • Practical implementation of the Bologna Process, Inge Broekman, Advisor Policy & Analytics, Dutch team of Bologna Expert, University of Twente at the link here.

Useful reading:

For more information about the FaBoTo + project please follow the link here.

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