IV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Management and administration responses to hybrid threats” (22.11.2023, online)

On 22 November 2023, the team of the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine joined the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Management and administration responses to hybrid threats”. The conference was organised and held by the State University of Infrastructure and Technologies together with Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics and the HEI “Academician Y. Bugay International Scientific and Technical University”.

430 participants from 8 countries (Latvia, Norway, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Turkey, Australia, Ukraine) took part in the conference representing 87 scientific and higher education institutions from 20 cities of Ukraine. 

The event took place within the framework of the Erasmus+ project “Academic Countering to Hybrid Threats” as a result of the WARN environment functioning, which was established by the project consortium and external partners specifically to enhance the project results. Since the beginning of the project, this is the fourth conference, aimed at providing an opportunity of sharing experience and discussing the scientific problems, primarily from the field of countering hybrid threats to national security, as well as catalysing the uniting and fruitful cooperation of Ukrainian HEIs.

Yurii DUDNYK, Associate Professor and Vice-Rector for scientific and pedagogical work of the SUIT and Veronika KHUDOLEY, Professor and Rector of HEI “Academician Y. Bugay ISTU” opened the conference with welcome speeches to the participants.

Svitlana SHYTIKOVA, Project Coordinator of the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine, in her welcoming speech presented the key features of participation in the EU Erasmus+ Programme and informed about new calls.

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