VIII International Bologna Process Conference – TAM event “European Integration of Ukraine’ Higher Education in the Context of Bologna Process” (7.11.19, Kyiv)

On 7 November 2019, within the framework of the International Erasmus + Week in Ukraine, the VIII International Bologna Process Conference (TAM event) “European Integration of Ukraine’ Higher Education in the Context of Bologna Process: Student-Centered Learning and Teaching, Evaluation as a Part of QA in Higher Education” was held. The Conference was organized jointly […]

International Erasmus+ Week in Ukraine: Erasmus+ Mobility Day for Individuals (Students, Graduates and HEIs Staff) (06.11.19, Kyiv)

On 6 November 2019, within the framework of the International Erasmus + Week in Ukraine, Individual Opportunities Day for students, graduates and HEIs staff was held. International Erasmus+ Week in Ukraine was organized jointly by National Erasmus+ office – Ukraine together with: Ministry of Education and Sciences of Ukraine; Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports […]

International Erasmus+ Week in Ukraine: Cluster Workshop for Capacity Building for Higher Education Projects on “How to Implement your Project Successfully and Manage the Grant Funds Smoothly” (06.11.2019, Kyiv)

On 6 November 2019 the Cluster Workshop for Capacity Building for Higher Education Projects on “How to Implement your Project Successfully and Manage the Grant Funds Smoothly” was held in Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. International Erasmus+ Week in Ukraine was organized jointly by National Erasmus+ office – Ukraine together with: Ministry of Education […]

International Erasmus+ Week in Ukraine: International Erasmus+ Mobility Day (05.11.2019, Kyiv)

On 5 November 2019 the International Erasmus+ Mobility Day was held in Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. International Erasmus+ Week in Ukraine was organized jointly by National Erasmus+ office – Ukraine together with: Ministry of Education and Sciences of Ukraine; Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports of Ukraine; the EU Delegation to Ukraine; Education, […]

International Erasmus+ Week in Ukraine: International Erasmus+ Info Day in Ukraine Call For Proposals 2020 (04.11.2019, Kyiv)

On 4 November 2019 the International Erasmus+ Info Day in Ukraine: Call for Proposals 2020 was held in Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. International Erasmus+ Week in Ukraine was organized jointly by National Erasmus+ office – Ukraine together with: Ministry of Education and Sciences of Ukraine; Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports of Ukraine; […]

International Erasmus+ Week in Ukraine (4-8.11.19)

*ІНФОРМАЦІЯ ПРО ТИЖДЕНЬ українською за посиланням. National Erasmus+ office – Ukraine together with Ministry of Education and Sciences of Ukraine with the support of EU Delegation to Ukraine and Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) invite you to join the INTERNATIONAL ERASMUS+ WEEK IN UKRAINE on 4-8 November 2019 in Kyiv, Ukraine. In line […]

Sumy State University Information Days (23-24.10.19, Sumy)

Within the International Cooperation Day, on October 23-24, 2019 at Sumy State University the NEO – Ukraine team presented Erasmus+ opportunities for education, youth and sport. More than 200 teachers and students of unvierity visited different practical workshops on mail aspects of international cooperation in the fields of: international mobility, cooperation projects and programs, international […]

2nd Seminar on European Week of Sport Beyond Borders (23.10.19, Kyiv)

On 28 October 2019, over 150 representatives of sport NGOs from the Eastern Partnership and Western Balkans countries, Directorate General of the European Commission for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, EU Delegation to Ukraine, National Olympic Committee of Ukraine had the opportunity to find out the information about Ukraine’s participation in the Erasmus Program + […]

Meeting on the future of the European Eastern Partnership (EaP) – “Eastern Partnership today and what next for its future?” (22.10.19, Kyiv)

On 22 October 2019 in Kyiv, the NEO-Ukraine representatives joined the Eastern Partnership structured consultation dedicated event summarizing the 10-year outcomes of the Eastern Partnership activities with the participation of Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. About 60 participants of the event – representatives of the European Commission, the EU Delegation to Ukraine, the […]

Training session on Erasmus+: Jean Monnet opportunities (17.10.19, Kyiv-Odesa)

On October 17, 2019, skype informational session on the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Activities of the EU Erasmus+ Programme was provided. The presentation was organised within the 13th Congress of the Ukrainian Association of European Studies, organized at the Odessa Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of […]