Participation in the Forum on Internationalization of Medical Education (27.04.2022, online)
On 27 April 2022, at the initiative of Kharkiv National Medical University, an online Forum on the internationalization of medical education in Ukraine was held.
About 25 participants from 14 universities took part in the Forum (Vice-Rectors for International Affairs and Development, Heads of International Relations Departments, Responsible persons for International Activities in the HEIs). Each institution presented the university and told about the process of internationalization of its institution, shared successful cases of its implementation.
Rector of Kharkiv National Medical University Valery Kapustnyk addressed the participants of the Forum with a welcoming speech.
Specially invited guests of the event, namely the director of Cormack Consultancy Group (UK) Charles Cormack and NEO-Ukraine expert on project monitoring and academic mobility Ivanna Atamanchuk expressed their respect and solidarity with the Ukrainian academic community and strong support for the people of Ukraine.
Ivanna Atamanchuk presented the opportunities of International mobility within the EU Erasmus+ Programme 2021-2027. The overarching principles of Erasmus+ mobility in higher education 2021-2027; the process of implementation of Erasmus+ international mobility projects; preparation for the submission of Erasmus+ mobility projects; stages of mobility projects implementation; key aspects on effective Erasmus+ mobility project implementation as well as participation in the Call 2022 for Ukrainian HEIs were highlighted.
NEO-Ukraine presentation (I. Atamanchuk) â download.