Participation in the Forum “Youth – the basis of human capital and recovery of Ukraine” (24.05.2024, Kyiv)
On May 24, 2024, the team of the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine took part in the Forum “Youth – the foundation of human capital and the recovery of Ukraine”, which was part of the preparation for the International Conference on the Recovery of Ukraine (URC 2024) in Berlin.
The forum was held in cooperation with the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine and the NGO Public Diplomacy Platform, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the Ukraine Responsive and Accountable Politics Program (U-RAP) implemented by the National Democratic Institute in Ukraine (NDI) and the IREX program “Dreaming and Acting” with the support of Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Ukraine.
About 100 participants – representatives of the government, diplomatic corps, business, activists, and youth sector representatives from different regions of Ukraine joined the event.
During the event, Kateryna Zhdanova, NEO – Ukraine Meneger, held a series of meetings with representatives of the government, business, and youth sector from different regions of Ukraine. In addition, the speaker joined a series of discussions on the modernization of youth policy in Ukraine during martial law and the recovery period, emphasizing the opportunities of the EU Erasmus+ Programme in the fields of education, youth and sports.