Participation in the “Weeks of Germany” (12.10.2021, online)

On 12 October 2021 as part of the “Weeks of Germany“, the Bavarian Office in Ukraine organized an online conference “Learn about Bavaria!”. The purpose of the event was to motivate young people from Ukraine to participate in various programs to study in Bavarian HEIs.
During the event, participants learned about their experience in Bavaria, and also had the opportunity to discuss life and study in Bavaria with representatives of such programs as DAAD, BAYHOST, Erasmus+ and others.

Veronika TKACHENKO, NEO – Ukraine Manager, joined the event and presented the new Erasmus+ Programme for 2021-2027, its features, key actions and new priorities. Speaker highlighted opportunities for students and staff within education and youth spheres, stressed key aspects of successful participation to win grants for studying, trainings, internships and teaching, as well as scholarships for joint Erasmus Mundus master’s programs. Participants received clear recommendations and step-by-step instructions on how to participate and prepare documents to achieve successful results.

Попередня Interview for Kyiv School of Economics (08.10.2021, online)