Participation in the Winter School within the Jean Monnet project (22.02.21, online)

jean monnetOn 22 February 2021, the 3rd Winter School on European Studies within Jean Monnet Center of Excellence project started its work at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. Around 80 participants (students, staff and young researchers) joined the online event.

The main task of the school was to acquaint students and young reserachers with the basic principles of European integration processes. Project Manager, Head of the Center Oksana HOLOVKO-GAVRYSHEVA welcomed participants of the Winter School, and outlined the goals and objectives of the project and described the main directions of its research and activities.

NEO -Ukraine Manager, Kateryna Zhdanova joined the event and presented individual opportunities for students and staff. The speaker provided step-by-step instructions on opportunity search, contact details and performed key package of documents to prepare. In addition, other Erasmus+ individual opportunities in the field of youth were aslo presented during the presentation.


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