Participation within the EU Study Days (25.06.20)

105894097 1760655754100183 5051588467991272728 oOn June 22, 2020, National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine took part in the last of the 12th online modules of the Euroschool – Eu Study Days, which was remotely joined by more than 50 active students and graduates from different parts of Ukraine. The final module was devoted to the topic of Higher Education in Ukraine and in the European Union. Deputy Minister joined the event and presented HE reforms implementation in Ukraine. 

Kateryna ZHDANOVA, NEO – Ukraine, presented Erasmus+ opportunities for Ukrainian students, graduates and young people. The speaker focused on the main features of the actions and provided clear recommendations for successful participation. At the end of the presentation, everyone had the opportunity to ask questions through the forum or via live video.

More about EU Study Days at the link – 

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