Presentation of Erasmus+ for Ukrainian regions territorial communities within the U-Lead initiative (18.12.2024, online)

On December 18, 2024, the team of the U-LEAD with Europe together with the NEO in Ukraine held an information session on “Participation in the Erasmus+ Program: Opportunities and Prospects for Territorial Communities of Ukraine”.

About 100 representatives from different territorial communities of Ukraine, representing public, private and non-governmental organizations interested in working in the fields of education, youth and sports actively joined the webinar.

During the event, Kateryna ZHDANOVA, NEO – Ukraine, provided presentation on the opportunities of the Erasmus+ Program for active youth and youth organizations. The speaker presented the EU Erasmus+ Program, key areas, directions and priorities, focusing on new competitions for youth and sports capacity building.

The presentation provided clear recommendations on registering the profile of organizations on the key portals of the Program, call pages, peculiarities on application forms, requirements for partnerships, preparing an additional package of documents and expected results. Additionally, the speaker drew attention to the existing experience of cooperation between Ukrainian and European partners to build new consortia, learn from experience and further synergies.

At the end of the event, the participants shared their success stories and experiences, and received answers to their questions.

Попередня Erasmus+ Sport Info Day 2025 (16.12.2024, hybrid format)