Presentation of EU Erasmus+ opportunities for staff of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University (22.11.19, Kyiv)

On November 22, 2019 presentation of the Erasmus+ Programme opportunities took place at the Boris Grinchenko University of Kyiv organised jointly by the NEO-Ukraine team and University Vice-rector. The event was attended by around 70 participants: HEI researchers, staff and international department representatives of the University.

The participants got presentation about the Erasmus+ goal, objectives and structure with its main components in higher education: KA1 – Learning mobility, KA2 – Capacity building in higher education, KA3 – Policy Reforms and Jean Monnet activities specifically aimed at enhancing European integration discourse. Participants actively participated within the discussion on practical steps to participatefor Call 2020. Useful materials about the Erasmus+ and promo materials were disseminated. Improved awareness of Erasmus+ for potential applicants and higher education stakeholders in general.

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