Presentation of the OECD Reviews of Integrity in Education: Ukraine 2017 (27.03.17, Kyiv)

On 27 March, 2017 representatives of the EU Project National Erasmus + Office in Ukraine and the National Team of Higher Education Reform Experts took part in the presentation of the report “OECD Reviews of Integrity in Education: Ukraine 2017”, which held in Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv with the participation of Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Liliya Grynevych and Director for the Directorate of Education and Skills of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Andreas Schleicher. Rector of the host University Leonid V. Hubersky and Executive Director of the International Renaissance Foundation Yevhen Bystrytsky also made greetings to the participants. The participants of the presentation were Ukrainian and foreign experts, representatives of national public authorities, international and non-governmental organizations, think tanks and educators.

The results of OECD study on major violations of integrity in the education system of Ukraine were presented on the event. The conclusions and recommendations of the report are based on a study of regulations, statistics, case studies, surveys and interviews at all levels of education with all major stakeholders.
Andreas Schleicher also presented OECD recommendations regarding reducing the risks of violations of integrity and restoration of public trust to education.

The report “OECD Reviews of Integrity in Education: Ukraine 2017” is open for free access to the links: (in Ukrainian) (in English).

For more details about the events on the report see the links:

Background: OECD – Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development – an international organization that brings together 34 countries and established to coordinate economic policy of OECD countries and assistance programs to developing countries. 70 countries are designated as partners of the OECD and take part in many areas of its activities. Concerning the effect OECD refers to the three leading economic institutions, along with the IMF and the World Bank.
Cooperation between Ukraine and the OECD started in 1997 by signing the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the OECD Agreement on privileges, immunities and benefits provided by the OECD in Ukraine. The agreement was ratified by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in July 1999 (the Law of Ukraine of 07.07.99 number 850-XIV).

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