Seminar on cooperation within the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme KA1 opportunities (17.04.2018, Rotterdam, the Netherlands)

On April 17, 2018, Rotterdam, NEO-Ukraine representative took part in the Conference on establishing cooperation within the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme KA1 opportunities between Ukrainian and Dutch universities.

More than 100 representatives of the HEIs and NGO took part in the seminar and received materials about Ukrainian organisations to find partners for future cooperation.

During the event, Ukrainian HEIs contacts were presented and distributed among Dutch representatives together with Erasmus+ results within Ukraine to increase the number of new links and project consortiums. Useful materials about the Erasmus+ and promo materials were disseminated.

Попередня Erasmus+ presentation within “EU Career Day in Ukraine” (17.04.2018, Vinnytsia)