SPHERE Annual Conference 2024 “Higher education engagement with society and the economy” (3-4.12.2024, online)
3-4 December 2024 SPHERE Annual Conference 2024 “Higher education engagement with society and the economy” took place online with support of the SPHERE and EACEA.
The HERE Annual Conference brings together the HERE and NEOs, but also some of additional speakers and experts. The Annual conference usually showcases the work and lessons learned from the year, and forecasts themes and topics for the following year. This conference was highly interactive, premised on case studies and presentations of results and impacts, and allowed the participants to discuss with the colleagues from different EU countries and institutions, and among each other. As all SPHERE events, the conference also provided opportunities for peer learning and networking, on higher education developments, but also regarding the ways of how HERE teams organise their work, provided some guidance to the SPHERE team to develop the next year’s programme.
The theme of the 2024 virtual conference was coherent with the Overarching Theme of SPHERE activities in 2024: “Higher education engagement with society and the economy”. This had encompassed events that have tackled the following sub-themes:
- Institutional approaches and strategies for greening
- Universities in local ecosystems
- University-Industry partnerships (educational/teaching focus)
- Inclusion in internationalization
- European University Alliances and their international projection.
The Annual Conference was revisit highlights from the different SPHERE activities in 2024, establishing linkages between the sub-themes and inspiring take-aways for the HERE as they continue to design and implement reforms and national and institutional level.