Webinar “Governance, Management and Functioning of HEIs and Higher Education System in line with QA, Digitalisation and Inclusion” (23.06.2023, online)

On 23 June 2023 a cluster event on management in higher education – webinar “Governance, Management and Functioning of HEIs and Higher Education System in line with QA, Digitalisation and Inclusion” was organised. The organizers of the event: National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine, HERE team, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The aim of […]

Study Visit of the Higher Education Reform Experts of the Erasmus+ Programme to the Catholic University of Louvain (15-16.06.2023, Louvain, Belgium)

On June 15-16, 2023, the Study Visit of the Higher Education Reform Experts of the EU Erasmus+ Programme (HEREs) to the Catholic University of Louvain (the UCLouvain: Université Catholique de Louvain), Belgium, was held on the topic “Learning and Teaching: Innovation, Digitalisation, and International Collaboration”. The event was organized by the SPHERE – OBREAL Global […]

Roundtable “Leadership of Ukrainian Universities in the context of International Ranking Criteria” (12.05.2023, online)

On 12 May 2023, the roundtable “Leadership of Ukrainian Universities in the context of International Ranking Criteria” was held. The organizers of the event were National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine, Higher Education Reform Experts (HERE) jointly with the Sumy State University, National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine and the Institute of Higher Education, NAESU. […]

HERE Virtual Seminar and a launch event took place on 3-4 May 2023

The events were organized by the SPHERE consortium (Support and Promotion for Higher Education Reform Experts) that is comprised by the University of Barcelona (Coordinator) and the European University Association (EUA), an initiative funded by the European Commission. SPHERE provides training and networking for Higher Education Reform Experts (HEREs) and National Erasmus+ Offices (NEOs) in […]

II International Scientific-Practical Conference «Personality, University, Society: Interaction under Conditions of Change» (12.04.2023, online)

On 12 April 2023 the II International Scientific-Practical Conference «Personality, University, Society: Interaction under Conditions of Change» on issues and challenges faced by Ukrainian universities under a novel reality triggered by the military aggression and objectives of post-war revival was organised. The Conference was initiated by the consortium of partners participating in the EU project […]

Meeting with EACEA and SPHERE team on HEREs (30.03.2023, online

On 30 March 2023, NEO – Ukraine together with HERE joined the meeting with EACEA and SPHERE. During the meeting participants were given an overview to the SPHERE Team of the priorities in each country’s national context, and help to identify topics to be addressed, in particular for 2023. During the meeting participants also discussed Dynamic […]

Expert HERE team support HEIs of Ukraine on the development of methodological recommendations for the development of educational programs (July-December 2022)

During July-December 2022, the HERE team provided expert support to the Higher Education Institutions of Ukraine on the development of Methodological recommendations for the development of educational programs. The updated Methodological recommendations for the development of educational programs (2014) were prepared for discussion (expert support of Ukrainian HEIs and research institutions on the development of […]

Training for relocated Ukrainian HEIs within REDU project (12-13.12.2022, online)

On 12-13 December 2022, the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine together with HERE team member in cooperation with the Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Educational Science of Ukriane joined the training on “Internationalisation of Higher Education” within the EUs REDU project “Reinventing displaced universities: enhancing competitiveness, serving communities”. 25 representatives of […]

3rd National Seminar on Modern Eduational Technologies EduTech KG 2022 with the participation of HERE team (09.12.2022, online)

On 9 December 2022, the 3RD NATIONAL SEMINAR ON MODERN EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES EduTech KG 2022 was held in the Kyrgyz Republic in a hybrid format. The purpose of the seminar is to improve the professional competence of teachers in the implementation of modern educational technologies, as well as the exchange of experience in the digitalization of higher […]

QA system in Ukraine – higher education standards development

Representatives of the National Erasmus+ Office – Ukraine and National HERE team since 2016 are involved in the process of developing higher education standards and carry out methodical expertise of draft standards in cooperation with the Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine. Coordination of the work is provided […]