#проєкт Еразмус+/Erasmus+ project

Participation in the Third International Conference within the Erasmus+ CBHE WARN project (22.11.2022, online)

On 22 November 2022, the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine participated in joined Third International Conference within the Erasmus+ CBHE WARN project. Event was organised by State University of Infrastructure and Technologies and Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, The purpose of the conference was to provide an opportunity to exchange experience and discuss scientific […]

Participation in the opening of the Erasmus+ Jean Monet project at Petro Mohyla Black Sea University (01.11.2022, online)

On November 1, 2022, the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine participated in the presentation of the new Erasmus+ Jean Monnet project “European Green Dimensions” at Petro Mohyla Black Sea University, which was attended by 32 participants. The event began with an opening speech by Leonid KLYMENKO, Rector of the University, emphasizing the importance of international […]

Participation in the Erasmus+ CBHE DESTIN project Сonference (18-19.10.2022, online)

On October 18-19, 2022, the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine participated in International Conference “Journalism of the future: challenges, trends, development prospects” within the Erasmus+ CBHE DESTIN project “Journalism Education for Democracy in Ukraine: Developing Standards, Integrity and Professionalism”. More than 90 participants joined the event representing project consortium and higher education institutions of Ukraine. […]

Participation within Erasmus+ CBHE PAGOSTE project’s series of trainings (17-19.10.2022, online)

On 17 October 2022, the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine participated in training “Professionalization of Teachers: Approaches, Structure and Standards”, organized within Erasmus+ CBHE PAGOSTE “New mechanisms of partnership-based governance and standardization of vocational teacher education in Ukraine” project. The event was attended by HEIs staff and VET teachers, researchers and others interested in the […]

International Conference “European integration and cross-border cooperation” (14.10.2022, online)

On 14 October 2022, as part of the implementation of the EU Erasmus+ project Jean Monnet Chair “EU Studies at Lesia Ukrainka Volyn National University”, the International Scientific and Practical Conference “European Integration and Cross-Border Cooperation” was held at the University in a blended format. Rector Anatolii TSYOS, vice-rector for scientific-pedagogical work and international cooperation […]

Participation in the II International Scientific and Practical Conference within the EU Erasmus+ Jean Monnet project (13.10.2022, online)

On 13 October, 2022, the II International Scientific and Practical Conference “Challenges and Prospects of Implementing the European Experience of Rural Tourism Diversification in Ukraine through Creativity and Sustainability” was held online. The conference is organized by the Zaporizhzhia National University within the EU Erasmus+ Jean Monnet project. The event was attended by 98 participants […]

International Scientific and Practical Conference “Shared and Safe Europe of the strong States” (08.09.2022, online)

On 8 September, 2022, the final International Scientific and Practical Conference “Shared and Safe Europe of the strong States” was held on the basis of the Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University. The conference is organized online within the EU Erasmus+ Jean Monnet project. The event was attended by 23 participants: students and academic staff. The speakers […]


On 6-7 July 2022, the VI International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference “CURRENT PROBLEMS OF CREATIVE PERSONALITY FORMATION OF A TEACHER IN THE CONTEXT OF THE FUTURE OF PRE-SCHOOL AND PRIMARY EDUCATION” was held at the Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University, which was dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University […]

Participation in the seminar within the project “Subnational Gender Equality: Balance of EU Values and Ukrainian Realities” – a step towards strengthening international scientific cooperation (16.06.2022, online)

On 16 June 2022, a seminar within the framework of the Jean Monnet project “Subnational Gender Equality: Balancing EU Values and Ukrainian Realities” – a step towards strengthening international scientific cooperation was held. About 20 participants, representatives of the Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University joined the event. Eugene Sobol, Rector of the University, Lilia […]