The Initiative «Academics to Academics» (A2A)
What? The Initiative «Academics to Academics» (A2A)Â
Ðrganizers: NGO âÐnstitute for Leadership, Innovations and Developmentâ jointly with the Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine.
The Initiative is aimed at the support of academic staff of Ukrainian universities who have been relocated from active hostilities zone. The Initiative will target university teachers and researchers enabling them to conduct education and research activities while staying internally displaced or living abroad as refugees.
The Initiative foresees:
- raising funds to support Ukrainian university teachers and researchers who have been relocated from the regions within active hostilities zone;
- accumulation of information on the needs of particular teachers and researchers, needs analysis and fulfilment in accordance with the principle of openness and the previously set criteria;
- development of the database of proposals from Ukrainian and foreign universities offering certain opportunities for Ukrainian university teachers and researchers at the places of their relocation / temporary residence and dissemination of information on opportunities to the above academic staff.
Proposals from Ukrainian and foreign universities may range between the following:
- internships, academic mobility, secondment, temporary employment (full-time / part-time);
- involvement with implementation of existing research or education projects;
- development of applications for future calls and grant programmes;
- provision of a placement (work-desk) with Internet access enabling the conduct of professional activity etc.
More details at the link.