Training “Preparation of a project application within the EU Erasmus+ Program Jean Monnet Actions: content and technical aspects” (16.10.2024, offline)
On October 16, 2024, the Training “Preparation of a project application within the EU Erasmus+ Program Jean Monnet Actions: content and technical aspects “ was held. The event took place within #ErasmusDays 2024.
The seminar was organized by the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine together with the Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine.
More than 27 academic staff of higher education institutions of Ukraine – potential participants of Jean Monnet Actions Calls for Proposals from Kyiv and other cities of Ukraine have taken part in the event.
During the event, Petro KRAINIK, manager of NEO in Ukraine, made presentations and informed the participants about the key actions and priorities of the EU Erasmus+ Program, the types of Jean Monnet projects, the peculiarities of preparing and submitting a project application for the Calls for Proposals, noted the components of the success of the future application and effective grant management. During the event, participants gained knowledge and developed skills on how to:
- know and understand in the process of preparing a project application the concept of European studies and the specifics of implementing projects in the direction of Jean Monet in Ukraine: state registration, visualization rules, information dissemination, mobility, quality assurance, international and national reporting;
- determine and plan the impact of Jean Monet project results and ensure their sustainability;
- ensure synergy and cooperation between Jean Monnet projects and with other projects of the EU Erasmus+ Program in Ukraine and create appropriate forms and methods when preparing applications for the competition.
Presentations on preparation and submission of an application are available at the link: here.
Prepared using the materials of the National Erasmus+ office in Ukraine.
Events within #ErasmusDays 2024 are held by NEOs in Ukraine jointly and with the support of co-organizers (детальніше в описі концепції #ErasmusDays 2024).
Resources on the NEO in Ukraine website:
Materials for study: Стратегія розвитку вищої освіти в Україні на 2022-2032 роки; Національний освітній глосарій: вища освіта 2024; Інформаційний бюлетень: проєкти Програми ЄС Еразмус+ у сфері вищої та професійної освіти за участі партнерів з України 2022-2023 рр., у тому числі за напрямом Жан Моне; Керівництво до Програми: Programme Guide 2024; Можливості Програми ЄС Еразмус+: напрям Жан Моне.