Training Skype-session “Guidelines on the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet applications preparation” (05.02.19, Kyiv – Ternopil)

05 02Жан МонеOn 5 February 2019 the training skype-session “Guidelines on the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet applications preparation” was organized. The event was held jointly with the Department for International Relations with support of the Vice-Rector of the Ternopil National Economic University on the request of the university’s academic staff representatives.

16 representatives of the academic and administrative staff of the Ternopil National Economic University took part in the training Skype session.

In his speech, the manager of the National Erasmus+ office in Ukraine, Petro KRAINIK, told about the Jean Monnet projects, key aspects and the details of the preparation of project proposals within Jean Monnet actions, focused the attention of participants on the issues of downloading application forms (e-forms) and mandatory annexes, and also mentioned the key points relating to the general eligibility criteria for the preparation of applications and the principles of evaluating proposals. The participants asked many questions at the event, which were answered in detail.

Information about the event on the web-site of Ternopil National Economic University: 

Useful links: About Erasmus+ Call For Proposals 2019 and Materials of International Erasmus+ Week in Ukraine, 5-9.11.2018

Details on Jean Monnet activities 2019 an the link: 

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